Thursday, January 8, 2009


I resisted the facebooking invites for a LONG time. Seriously...who has time to facebook? I have way too many other very important things to do. I don't really need another distraction. Isn't email bad enough? Why do I want to talk to all those people anyway? And plus, isn't it for, like, kids?

Well now I feel a little sheepish because I'm totally addicted. It's so much fun! Do you know how much time you can waste facebooking? As much time as reading blogs! And for a person who claims to be efficient I apparently love wasting time. I mean, really, why get anything important done when you can spend your time on the truly urgent. Like posting what you're doing at every moment of the day, because everyone really cares. And reading what everyone I know and everyone that they know is doing at every moment....looking at their pictures and commenting...or mostly in my case just lurking. Yes, I admit it, I'm a lurker. I want to know everything that is going on, sometimes I just feel too shy to participate.

I propose that these very urgent things are actually the most important things in life. Reconnecting and staying in touch with people who are really important to me and maybe a few random others. I reconnected with my childhood best friend the other day! What's really more important than that? I mean, when it comes right down to it, aren't our relationships the most important thing? That other stuff can always wait....after all, why spend all of today on what you can do tomorrow? Especially when there's facebooking to be done now!